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Frank - 2006-07-21

I visit this forum so regularly these days, first because after reading so many of Raoul's astute postings, I wanted to be part of what was going here (Dave's ESL can be such a nasty place!).

And now KJ (or, the poster formerly known as...?) has joined us recently, and we are receiving an additional and substaintial measure of insight and intelligence -- and wit!

Thanks for shaking hands, as it were... I've learned much from you guys -- truly!

No matter where the rhetoric diverges, we all agree that students are central to everything we do here. They are the reason we came to China, the reason we press on, the reason we quarrel with school "leaders" (ha!), the reason we try to better ourselves!

Yes, yes, yes! As much as we feel frustrated and perhaps even victimized at times, we can always fight back and/or walk away.

What can they do except to keep turning the other cheek?

Bravo, brothers!

Messages In This Thread
By the way Raoul - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-18
Wrong-O! - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-07-20
yes Raoul - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-20
Malice Toward None. (Or at least not many) - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-07-20
Bravo, brothers! - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-07-21
Re: Bravo - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-23
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Bravo, brothers! - Teachers Discussion

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