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KJ - 2006-07-23

Thanks for the kind words Frank. I also find it refreshing to be able to communicate with others, such as you and Raoul, without getting too caught up in the rhetoric and allowing the true meaning to get swept away. Furthermore, it's somehow comforting to know that there are a few people here whose backgrounds are not dissimilar to my own. I also appreciate that we can agree to some degree or another that the students are not the ones to blame for the sad state of this EFL in China business.

As somewhat of a digression I'd like to add that some years ago I wrote a paper about China wherein I stated that there would come a time in the not too distant future when China, due to demonstrated resilience and its push forward toward at least a semblance of modern civilization, would be a model for the rest of the world. Well, after three years of checking things out here I've had to revisit that somewhat naive expectation - or maybe it was just blind hope.

The most telling thing I've discovered is that the people of this country are so weighed down by corruption coupled with a misplaced respect (read "fear") for authority that it will take some almost godlike, mental chiropractics to get them to stand straight and tall. There is also an attitude of "if we can't beat 'em join 'em that results in the corruption that permeates the educational system.

Having said that though, I still have a certain degree of faith in the leadership of this country. Yeah, not a lot - but enough so that I can hope for a sea change in education brought about by a group or an individual who addresses the situation and brings about positive change before he or she or they give in to the temptations of power.

Actually, I believe that will happen because it is almost comical at this point how obvious is the corruption - especially in the world of EFL. Enough time has almost gone by now where nearly enough fed up teachers will have returned home and spread the word that it will become a face saving situation for the leaders to step up. In the past I've even posted warnings here to the recruiters that they better reap their profits quickly because their time will come - and, indeed their time WILL come.

But still, I take some comfort in the fact that I see positive change and improvement in a small percentage of the students I teach wherever I go. In fact, I just finished teaching a two week summer program where I had two classes. One of the classes had only nine students. Each of those students were bright, articulate and forward looking teenagers. I had many refreshing conversations with them wherein I learned that their awareness runs deep. I can hope, or at least fantasize, that they represent the future of this country. And I can say unabashedly and truthfully that I love them and love their kind, and that, who knows, maybe, just maybe, they will give some meaning to the future of this country.

And so I keep on keepin' on, and keep on wishing for justice in a somewhat injust world.

Messages In This Thread
By the way Raoul - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-18
Wrong-O! - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-07-20
yes Raoul - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-20
Malice Toward None. (Or at least not many) - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-07-20
Bravo, brothers! - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-07-21
Re: Bravo - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-23
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