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amused - 2016-04-24
In response to The absurdity of it all..... (paul fox)

Regulations in every country are variably enforced. China is no different.

Some provinces will continue to institute modified forms of compliance. Some public institutions will expend their 'guangxi' with officials to keep FTs whom they choose to keep.

And private schools, dependent on white faces to market their 'education', will continue to break the rules, enticing naive new FTs to arrive in China on tourist visas.

China's economy has changed radically in the past decade. The government's commitment to the learning of English is no longer of enhanced importance. Rich kids and businessmen in countries around the globe are studying Mandarin. In Shanghai and Beijing and Guangzhou a westerner speaking Chinese no longer attracts attention.

The government of China sees FTs for what they are: native language speakers, not genuine teachers. And like NGOs, FTs are rife with missionaries, alcoholics, drug abusers, and other flotsam from Western countries. Universities and wealthy high schools that want credentialed foreign teachers can recruit them; the school must however spend two or three times the routine FT salary and provide enhanced living quarters to attract these true 'foreign experts'. Every province has shown it is eager to provide visas for teachers with genuine qualifications.

The education model of a dancing white-faced western monkey, ignorant of grammar and pedagogy, to 'perform' oral English while Chinese teachers lecture and drone PPTs at passive students is a flawed and ineffective. The education department of the Chinese government deserves kudos for attempting to improve educational institutions in a commitment to provide a supportive learning environment for Chinese students.

Messages In This Thread
The absurdity of it all..... -- paul fox -- 2016-04-23
Re The absurdity of it all..... -- Dubius Maximus -- 2016-04-25
Re The absurdity of it all..... -- amused -- 2016-04-24
Re The absurdity of it all..... -- CarCarGo -- 2016-04-24
Re The absurdity of it all..... -- Penelope -- 2016-04-24
Re The absurdity of it all..... -- paul fox -- 2016-04-24
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