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nijao - 2016-04-25

//You tell us your opinions are formed by your instinct. Does that mean you are relying on innate biological factors not based on prior experience, and your behaviour indicates an absence of learning? Are you aware that you possess a complex neural system that relies less on instinct and more on the cerebral cortex and social learning? Or is it that, like a dog who is soaking wet, you shake yourself? This would be instinctive behaviour.//

Doing things by instinct and how you feel at the moment has nothing to do previous experiences or knowledges. That is what make ppl different, remembered in history or not. Sample, Nixon made a trip to communist China during the high of the cold war. It made history. Reading books and listen to what other say ok, but having own experiences good-bad much better. Best//

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Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country? -- nijao -- 2016-04-25
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country? -- nijao -- 2016-04-25
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