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John - 2006-07-31


Thanks too for what you have said and I think Frank has been brave in a way for congratulating you. You may have noticed in here that certain of the contributors, including Frank, will not tolerate any teacher being criticised or called to account for his suspicious claims. The same people openly claim that schools in general are always at fault, and are always dishonest, whereas teachers are shining white no matter what. Thus I think your attempt to put across a balanced view will grate somewhat with some people and cause them to squirm in their seats with frustration.

Frank - Your agreement with KJ's comment about dealing with our own sense of moral justice etc is very pertinent indeed, for I am trying to do exactly that in exposing suspicious complaints that arise on here. Yet for some reasons best known to themselves a number of other teachers including yourself cannot wait to tear me apart for having a bad opinion of those who think they can say whatever they want in pursuit of revenge.

You have openly said to me that whilst you believe it is right for schools to be treated to fair play, such fairness must not appear on this forum. Why not? Why should schools be denied fair play at the complaint stage. Let the complaining teachers be fair with their complaints. Where else is fairness to appear if the teachers who do the complaining can't show it here?

You agree with KJ's belief - that if an employee is discovered to have discrepancies in his papers such as false documents or resume information, then the employer has every right to terminate his employment - Your agreement to this is really news to me, Frank, considering that one of the complaints I have taken issue with and which you have attacked me for - appears very likely to have involved a major paperwork error quite probably of this very kind.

I agree with KJ's contention in this context too and I have expounded various visa and contract procedures in here to demonstrate that. You too can see this for yourself if you care to study my postings. However, for as long as you refuse to accept, in principle, that there can possibly be anything wrong with teachers' claims. You will continue to run with blinkers on.

Finally, KJ's statement that it is necessary to accept that teachers are also partially responsible for their own mistreatment, is definitely new to you, Frank but is what I have been arguing for all this time. You might agree that schools are entitled to fair play - but only as long as it appears at later date in some faraway corner. The trouble is that you are not prepared to admit to any situation where that fair play is being abused by an unscrupulous teacher. You and others are not prepared to be confronted by such counter-claims in what you have all clearly presumed is your own forum.

So, Frank, when might we see you acting publicly on this very appropriate advice from KJ? You've wholeheartedly agreed with it so you will be anxious to be seen to be following it, I hope.


Messages In This Thread
a little of this and a little of that - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-31
Applause, applause! - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-07-31
More Applause - but Frank? Is that really You? - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2006-07-31
John, our resident judge and one-man jury - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-07-31
Here, Frank is my reply - and a serious proposition - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2006-08-01
Oh, John... - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-01
Thanks Frank - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-31
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