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Frank - 2006-08-01

Oh, John,

Why do I always feel like the energy vampire has visited me after reading one of your posts, or private messages? Let me try to answer that question Perhaps you are well-intended; but as the saying goes: The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

As you ask me to slowly reflect on someones argument before reacting, I ask you also to seriously consider the kind of energy you have brought to this forum. As I have said publicly and privately to you, this is an open forum, warts and all.

Now you want me to engage in some sort of discussion forum chess game with strict rules of decorum and debate, designed by you, and likely governed and refereed by you as well. No thanks!

In this most recent post, you state: In challenging Dr Cross I scored a bullseye, which vindicates what I said about him and justifies my challenging these dodgy-looking complaints in general. Talk about selective memory! You fail to take into the account the previous postings of Yingwen Laoshi and Wally, who claim to have much more first- or second-hand knowledge of the people, the situation, and school in question than you do.

But much more importantly, I think your bullseye statement crystallizes the problem here (or at least, MY problem with what been going on here). The vast majority of your postings seem to be about you wanting to debunk and claim some sort of victory over other FTs claims. Again, Ive said to you a number of times, if you dont buy what people are saying, ignore them; but please stop trying to force everyone to play by your rules! This forum (no matter how much you think it stinks) is not your personal sandbox, John! If you are truly sincere when you say, This forum, in my opinion, stinks! It is populated by so many people who have minds closed shut like steel traps; then why do keep posting so rapidly and prolifically?

Yes, I too, have made lots of postings during the past few months, but if I felt the way that you do about this forum, I can assure you, I would not keep showing up around here. As Ive also said before, its the excellent postings contributed Raoul Duke, KJ, and many others, that keeps me coming back for more.

To me, you simply want to control peoples comments and pass judgment of their credibility, and have everyone comply with your personal standards of debate. Is that realistic? Like most of us, you too live in China. If theres anything Ive learned in my time here, its that I can control almost nothing! The most I can do is try to find a reasonable measure of balance and reward, and a few laughs along the way every day. If that happens, I consider it a pretty good day.

You exhaust me John, and in my mind, you seem insist upon wearing everyone else down around you, so that you can claim sort of twisted victory. I really have no interest in playing bullseye games with you.

Id rather enjoy reading smart and smooth and sublime and stupid and silly and witty postings from others I truly like the messiness of this forum. I have no interest in controlling it. Please find a new playmate for your sandbox Im outta here Adios!

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