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Frank - 2006-08-01

To borrow one of your post titles to me, John: How can you know? How can you know?

In discussing your first job experience in China, you state: The other staff, both Chinese and foreign alike were all happy with their lot.

Later on, you offer: I also help out with two private primary schools and these too are well managed and the staff are all happy.

To me, these statements imply that you share but a very superficial relationship with your Chinese colleagues. If you take the time to really get to know a few of your Chinese co-workers, they might actually confide their true feelings about their job and the boss to you. In the workplace they often dare not speak their true feelings. Especially to you, if as you said, you were fussed over like I was her own son by the owner and his wife. Do you actually believe your Chinese co-workers would tell you their genuine feelings about their situation? They would fear reprisal from speaking to you and that perhaps you would pass along their sentiments to the owner.

About 18 months ago, I was hired as the first (and only) foreign teacher at a shiny new training school in Nanjing. I had worked for the owner in one of his previous establishments, but he and his partner had engaged in a power-struggle, and so he decided to open a competing enterprise. The day before the school opened it doors for business (in the tallest and most expensive high-rise in Nanjing) I had to undergo surgery. Nevertheless, I was there the next day to greet new students and perspective ones (not one of the most pleasant days of my life). What I also learned that day was that in the days leading up the schools opening, the builders were not going to meet the deadline for completion. While I was in the hospital, the Chinese staff (tutors, teachers, marketing people, etc.) were all required to work THROUGH the night (for two nights) completing the building and painting of the school. (Im talking some heavy work here.)

Do you think they dared complain about to me about it at the school, or in front of the boss??? Oh, please! But I can assure you they felt quite exploited and unfairly treated, which they confided to me later. Can you imagine basically having to work round-the-clock for 48 hours, with no chance to go home to rest or take a shower, and then look bright and happy (with no sleep) on opening day? Chinese people choose their friends very slowly and carefully. They must feel reasonably certain about who they can trust.

You continue: I also move among other foreign teachers working for schools in my general vicinity. Whilst some of these talk about other people's past horror stories none of them appear to have such stories of their own.

Again, could this possibly be the result of these other local FTs being familiar with your hard-core skeptical and oppositional nature, and simply not wanting to be bothered with engaging in some sort of relentless debate with you, John? Perhaps they choose to confine their work-related grievances to a more supportive circle.

And on the subject of Raoul Dukes present standing you assert: I also think that his problem - for it is clear he has one by the way he criticises Chinese schools with a passion - is that the days have gone where foreign teachers in China were 'stars' who could perhaps throw their weight around and get their own way fairly easily. I think, maybe Mr Duke mourns the passing of his once elite status and is left feeling rather bitter at having to accept that he is now just another one of the boys.

This only proves how little you know about Raouls present employment situation. He has removed himself from the typical public school/training school English education circus in China, and found his own way to exist and thrive professionally. As you keep accusing us of doing John, you see only what you want to see; hear only what you want to hear.

You keep telling the rest of us to open our minds (!!!), but you need to open your ears, sir.

Messages In This Thread
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Put me at the top of that list, please! - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-07-30
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Response to Mr Duke - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2006-07-31
How can you know, John? How can you know? - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-01
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