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Caring - 2016-05-29

When you deal with an issue, you may get a result. People responsible for the "detergent balls" have just apologized publically. This means that directly confronting the flaws of the society may as well be educational in China.

Teaching a language one ought to bring in the culture, social behaviors/attitudes and other trends of the nation(s) where the tool of communication is being used. In this very language, students should learn from the day one how to interact verbally and nonverbally. Otherwise, there'll be a plethora of problems that many will be affected by later.

Anyhow, we can choose to have a troublefree private/professional life or a troublesome one, and that's our prerogative. However, we need to consider the consequences of our actions on daily basis. How people from around the world will change the communication, and English language in particular, remains to be seen. Whether we'll be able to understand each other or not is at question too.

How well does U.S. education address familial obligations? Chinese would consider this a glaring oversight.

How well does U.S. education address provision of respect to colleagues and sensitivity to group emotional integrity? Chinese would be aghast by U.S. exclusive focus on individuality.

My comment recognizes the opportunity that FTs have to address issues of race that students will confront as they enter a global workforce.

I do not recommend that FTs directly confront what they consider to be glaring flaws in the Chinese educational system. They possess neither the power nor the requisite education to address endemic institutional failures.

Our battle field is the classroom and, for the most part, we are free to choose our lesson-plans, our ideological weapons.

Messages In This Thread
Re Chinese detergent balls for a 'whiter' wash -- Caring -- 2016-05-28
Re Chinese detergent balls for a 'whiter' wash -- amused -- 2016-05-29
Re Chinese detergent balls for a 'whiter' wash -- Caring -- 2016-05-29
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