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Martin - 2006-08-02

Dear Frank and anyone else reading this thread,

I am the young head teacher of Nasdaken and after working there nearly 2 months I must disagree with many of the things you say, although I do agree with many of them to some extent.

You said "At Nasdaken, 18 (!!!) part-time foreign teachers share one small glass office, with three computers (one of which has never worked). With so many teachers coming in and out, the materials are strewn everywhere, and teaching material is often missing (if it ever existed in the first place)."

This was true but there were never more than 6 or 7 teachers in the office at one time. I also asked the computer guy to fix the computers, which he did, and now we have 5 fully working computers, with no internet problems, access to b&w and colour printers and other software (whatever I ask for) installed on them. The materials were 'strewn everywhere', it was really annoying. It's because all the materials were just white sheets in plastic wallets. We've replaced half of these so far with books now and the mess, I spent a few hours cleaning up all the mess that all us teachers had left lying round (with help from about 4 of the Chinese staff).

Teaching materials missing. True, it has been a problem, but you know that you just need to look hard and you'll find something. I've never had to go into a lesson with no materials. Most of our materials, as you know, are full lesson plans with topics, articles, comprehension questions, discussion questions, grammar exercises, role plays and so on. I've also been creating some quality colour flashcards (to replace the low quality b&w ones) for the beginner level.

I've asked the school for 2 dictionaries, a thesaurus, a clock and even a fridge for the staff room and we're getting them all.

Problems are now dealt with through me and things, I sincerely hope, are running better than when you were there.

I do agree that the foreign teachers have little space compared to the Chinese managers but it's not that bad. I'm currently trying to help this problem and the school has agreed to help. I think they acknowledge the problem.

Of course they introduce prospective clients to the teachers. They mostly don't disturb you, only if they need to (because they know we don't like it). Of course sometimes we need to chat to a prospective student, this is a language school! It can be quite repetitive and boring but we need students to pay our wages!

I've never had any argument with you Frank, and I don't have anything against you now aside from the way you're bad mouthing my school. I understand the problems you've had with things like communication. It's a problem in all cross cultural situations, not just at Nasdaken!

Finally, about our contract. You noticed that the pay offered has gone down, true. But this is because the contract has completely changed. There were 25 hours a week with no holidays or other benefits. Now there is only 20 hours a week with many benefits (travel, accommodation, insurance and holiday time). I made the new contract and it is balanced when compared to the old one.

In the school we have a much better group mentality rather than the 18 people coming, doing their thing, leaving the mess and then leaving!

Of course it's not perfect, far from it! However, you also know, Frank, that a really great thing about the school is the students. They are mainly adults (people in their 20's) paying and totally full of enthusiasm for the most part. I love going to the computer room and chatting with them and helping them as they work.

Rumour has it that you are a great teacher Frank. I don't doubt it at all. Rumour also has it that you have a hot temper! You seem to have had reason to be, unfortunately, but I hope things are better now. Your worst enemy in this school (the Vice President) is my good friend. I think this difference between you and me helps me run this school better now, than it was before.

Messages In This Thread
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