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KJ - 2006-08-02

Although I do have a few additional thoughts regarding the ongoing discussion between some of the "main players" here in the forum, I feel more compelled at this point to set that aside for the time being and address another critical issue that may or may not lead me back to said ongoing discussion.

A recent post in the review section raised my shackles. Had the writer stuck to the facts I may well have felt sympathetic. However, though the writer wants us to believe he bears no responsbility for his bad time in Xian, he shows what I would kindly describe as a lack of maturity in the way he digresses from the central issue of his employment and describes all Chinese villages as filthy, smelly and etc. My first thought upon reading such a vitriolic statement was that I wished I had the time and the money to take him and his red-neck attitude to some truly peaceful, clean and forward looking villages wherein reside some truly wonderful people. But of course I wouldn't want to travel with such an obvious bigot anyway, so I can only hope that something or someone along his path will enlighten him.

In the context though of reviews and how we respond to them and whether or not we can read them with an open mind, I think this exemplifies how a poster can do more harm than good. Dr. Cross opened up a can of worms by not being more specific and forthright. And although this poster is more transparent in the way that he is not clever enough to hide his prejudices, he alters the purpose of the review board - changes it that is from the useful to the sublimely idiotic.

Some of us are quicker to jump to the defense of other teachers (collegues?) than are others who prefer to save their judgements until the truth can be unraveled from what is often a messy attempt to stick to the details. And during that process and exchange, words often get in the way. Ah, would that we could paint a clearer picture!

Beyond that, well, never mind.........I'm on vacation, the sun is shining and I'm off to a late breakfast. Just taking it easy and not worrying one iota about returning to my satisfying job on a beautiful University campus where I'm treated fairly and kindly and where the students are motivated, friendly and a joy to teach. Haven't found such a place yet? Don't give up, such jobs are there. Sure, you must be discerning, if not careful to a heightened degree, but yes they are there.

Messages In This Thread
shifting gears - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-08-02
RE: Shifting Gears - Teachers Discussion -- Teacher A. -- 2006-08-06
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