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paul fox - 2016-06-07
In response to Re "only Oral teaching" (amused)

Pronunciation is unimportant

That's a 'sweeping statement' that is only half true (in my opinion).

Standing in front of a class with a list of words and doing the 'repeat after me' is a complete waste of time, but to say that pronunciation is not important is folly.

I am required to teach reading to grade 11 students. Standing in front of the class, book in hand, and trying to read-together was something I gave up after the first lesson.

Instead, I chose to sit with each student individually and have them read to me. That way I could easily assess their reading skills and pronunciation ability. It also allowed me to spend more time with the weaker students.

Even in grade 11 I was surprised to hear 'tiny' pronounced as 'teeny'; 'siren' pronounced as 'seeren'; and even 'nation' pronounced as 'natt ee un'.

I remember back in a previous lifetime when I was standing at a bus-stop in England. A car drew up and the Australian driver said ''Scuse me mate, how do I get to looga beroo?'

After a lot of repeating and head-scratching, I finally asked him to write it down. 'Loughborough' was where he wanted to go - and Loughborough is pronounced 'Luff Burra'.

Pronunciation may not be the 'bee-all-and-end-all', but it's certainly not unimportant.

Messages In This Thread
"only Oral teaching" -- Silver Star -- 2016-06-05
Re "only Oral teaching" -- amused -- 2016-06-06
Re "only Oral teaching" -- Silver Star -- 2016-06-06
Re "only Oral teaching" -- amused -- 2016-06-06
Re "only Oral teaching" -- PhD teacher -- 2016-06-06
Re "only Oral teaching" -- amused -- 2016-06-06
Re "only Oral teaching" -- Silver Star -- 2016-06-06
Re "only Oral teaching" -- amused -- 2016-06-06
Re "only Oral teaching" -- PhD teacher -- 2016-06-08
Re "only Oral teaching" -- paul fox -- 2016-06-07
Re "only oral teaching" -- Silver Star -- 2016-06-08
Re "only Oral teaching" -- paul fox -- 2016-06-07
Re "only Oral teaching" -- paul fox -- 2016-06-06
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