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Raoul Duke - 2006-08-03

Well, you're certainly not ignoring my posts like ya said. My God, man, can't you get anything right?

Anyway, I continue to find nothing but disjoint between your responses to me, and the reality I see from you elsewhere. Some of them, like your reply to my "Para 1" (where's the "eye roll" smiley?) don't seem to connect to anything at all. You certainly don't seem to be able to answer many points in a way that makes any sense.

To justify your relentless attacks on "Yi" in the Neusoft review, you claim the "new information has emerged" that will somehow support you. Since the rest of us can't seem to see this "new information", can we therefore assume your superiors on Uranus are beaming this info directly into your head?

You further make the oh-so-fallacious assumption that since Neusoft abroad is very reputable, their China operations must be good, too, and there's no way a foreign teacher could ever be abused there. You ARE in China, right, John? My God, if I had a dollar for every "reputable" Western institution that opened a branch or JV in China, turned it over to a bunch of local crooks, and looked no further as long as the payments came in regularly, I'd never have to work again. The foreign-backed ventures are some of the bigger whores in China!

As for Hemingway, you claim that you didn't jump into the middle of his troubles, and that you didn't accuse him of misrepresentation, or that you words were meant for someone else. Well, your post is still quite easy to find in the Reviews area; let's take a look at some of your own words that you posted in a commentary on Hemingway's review:

"Considering that Mr Hemingway's initial review appeared as far back as March, it is still reverberating well considering the substantial amount of unfairness contained within it."

"Hemingway wrote literally everything he could to depict only the negative aspects."

"Mr Hemingway is being unfair - in my opinion deliberately so - by making out the Teacher's College to be a singularly bad establishment when many of the factors he cites are no better or worse than he would find at MANY other establishments all over China."

"I have NEVER been jeered at or insulted by any students or Chinese staff. I have never heard of anyone else being similarly treated either. For some reason Mr Hemingway and his wife must have been disliked to have been subjected to such highly unusual treatment."

"I get the impression from Mr Hemingway's lengthy diatribe, that he does like to ramble on at un-necessary length and if he does this in writing, then he almost certainly does it verbally too."

"Perhaps Mr Hemingway was a thoroughly and intensely unpopular teacher at the college. If all he can do is identify the negative aspects of everything around him this is hardly surprising - but to be jeered and jostled by his students? He must have been REALLY disliked for that to have happened on a routine basis."

I got news for ya, Bucky: This IS jumping into the middle of someone else's problems. It IS accusing him of misrepresenting the situation. And I know for a fact that you did so with no connection, no knowledge, and no reason that would support your doing so. You're LYING, John, in addition to making your usual trademark smug, mean-spirited, and totally ungrounded assumptions.

I could easily go on and on, but I'm not going to. I'm really sick to death of the stink of you.

Messages In This Thread
To My Few Detractors - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2006-07-28
Put me at the top of that list, please! - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-07-30
Response to Mr Duke - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2006-07-31
It just gets sillier... - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-03
You and Your Biased Mind - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2006-08-05
More Lunacy! - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-06
Wot about something useful - Teachers Discussion -- wally -- 2006-07-30
Response to Wally - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2006-07-31
Joining your "few" detractors - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-07-29
detractors?! - Teachers Discussion -- mj -- 2006-07-30
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Response to Ajarn - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2006-07-31
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On Thin Ice! - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-07-31
Qualified or Stay home - Teachers Discussion -- wally -- 2006-08-02
Attitude! - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-08-03
Response to Mr Duke - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2006-07-31
How can you know, John? How can you know? - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-01
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