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paul fox - 2016-06-14

No. Sociological studies show that neither religion. nor laws nor educational estabishments
are at fault. It just depends on what (certain) people make of it. A year ago, I
published a book on exactly that topic that included a socio-historical study of
different major world religions and what their impact was on society an culture in their
respective environments. Is Roman Catholiism a religion of pedophiles because some of
their priests were exposed as such?

Of course not. But those sicko's hide behind their frilly frocks, beg for forgiveness from on-high, and everything will be forgotten. Clergymen are given the title 'Reverend', why? Are we supposed to revere them? People often need to respected in order to be revered, and I find it extremely difficult to respect someone who believes that some all-powerful being created the universe using a very old-fashioned chemistry set.

Your comment is true up to a point, but on the whole it is nothing short of rhetoric. People will believe whatever they want to believe. And as such, removing organised religion from society will not prevent people from having blind faith. However, openly teaching it only helps to encourage fanatics such as those responsible for the tragedy in Florida and incidents such as 9/11.

Now please excuse me while I go off to have a quick chat with my talking snake before I meet santa claus for lunch Then it's coffee time with the easter bunny and the tooth fairy.

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Re For Those Who Love To Criticise.. -- paul fox -- 2016-06-14
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