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Dave - 2006-08-06

I have recently returned from holiday in a remote place and have just about restored continuity to my life. One of those acts of restoration has been to mug-up in this forum.

I am writing this in support of John the one that some of you love to hate. He seems to have arrived in this forum with his views and comments regarding two teachers who in his opinion had made unfair complaints against their schools. In both cases he said what he thought they were being unfair about and why he felt that way. He was not rude or disrespectful but seems to have expressed his opinions in a quiet and measured way directly to his point. I dont know whether his opinions are right or wrong I dont really care either - but at least he gave his reasons for them.

This is said to be a Teachers Discussion Forum yet almost immediately he was torn apart by a mob. Having gone through much of what has been said on both sides, it seems pretty obvious to me that none of the mob bothered to examine what it was he said but howled him down because they didnt agree with his right to an opinion different from theirs. This approach is not worthy of a discussion forum, it is bullying - nothing more.

I think that some of you two in particular have dealt yourselves a serious blow. You have failed to knock John down but in your panic to do so you have acted in a way that is little short of disgusting in its unprofessionalism. You call yourselves good and fair teachers but that is untrue. Some of you carry a grudge against schools not just in general but in total. This grudge is so incandescent that its glow blinds you. Anyone who wears a grudge of such proportions on their sleeve cannot possibly carry out good teaching with the open mind it needs.

I think that we need more like John. More teachers prepared to question those few among us who will not act responsibly in making complaints against schools. I wont support schools that act badly either but that behaviour is no excuse for teachers to act badly. Such behaviour by schools should be looked on as an opportunity for teachers to show honesty and professionalism in properly stating their cases without "getting their own back" by lying or leaving things unsaid. Its a shame that some of you cant support that

Youre just dinosaurs, gentlemen a throwback from the past when dog ate dog. There's no room for that any more. Time you wandered off to pasture!

You may rant and rave at me all you like for saying all this and for supporting John. I have not opened up a new discussion point for you I have made a speech and I am now leaving the podium. If you don't like what I have said then you can stuff it where the sun doesn't shine and where your malodorous views also reside.

Have a Nice Day!


Messages In This Thread
To Whom It May Concern - Teachers Discussion -- Dave -- 2006-08-06
Hello, John, uh... I mean, "Dave!" - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-06
On the nosey! - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-06
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