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Raoul Duke - 2006-08-06

Mr. Bucky,

Your ongoing responses are becoming so evasive of reality that any response beyond hand gestures is becoming more and more difficult.

But I'll try. At least briefly.

You're still citing extra double-secret information the rest of us don't have in the Yi case, which is of course hard to comment on. But actually, that question is yielding in importance to another one: are you really so desperate that you feel compelled to actually go out and research damning evidence on teacher complaints that you have no connection to whatsoever? Don't you ever drink beers or kiss girls or travel or anything?

Wow, John (or Bucky) (or David)...I have to admit that I'm in awe. It's really hard to fight against insanity on this scale.

Let me try my hand at reading the future here, just for the hell of it. I see you trying to contact the saints who own that Neusoft franchise. If you can get them to even admit that they've heard of this 'Yi' person (the goat entrails are murky on this point) then I see...gasp! Can you believe it!...I see them having a...a..DIFFERENT version of the story! And, of course, I see you accepting their side of it without question.
Maybe I'm wrong; this column is published purely for entertainment purposes.

As for Hemingway, who I must point out is a REAL PERSON living in an entirely different country than I'm in, you've completely managed once again to miss the point.

In the 3-4 pages of self-serving wanking you offer us, you merely repeat the same meaningless charges you spewed up before as you've inexplicably worked to discredit Hemingway's entirely factual account of events. The POINT was that you denied you jumped into the attacks Hemingway's review, and you denied implying that Hemingway's account was unreliable. Of course, you've clearly done both of these things, and all these lame bleatings about Hemingway using poor conditions to paint a full picture of the situation in Huaibei, or about his not also including the positive aspects of a school that led a gang of strange students to harass and beat him, will not distract many away from that fact.

But I have to take issue with your repeating of the filthy lying garbage about how since you've never been harassed and beaten by a student, it's just not possible that Hemingway was...with the implication that the beating, if it happened, was the spontaneous uprising of outraged students against an unpopular teacher. What a load of blinkered, egocentric rubbish this is! And even better, you back it up with the stereotypical and hopelessly outdated truism about respect for teachers in China. Any foreign teacher who's spent much time teaching university classes, and who doesn't live in the fantasy world of rainbows, leprechauns, and unicorn ponies that the lithium you take apparently puts you in, knows that modern uni students don't always have much respect for foreign teachers. Well, maybe a bit during the period between final exams and grade day... Otherwise, there isn't always much respect there...especially if the Party-hack school administration, who owns the students' gonads for 4 long years, tells them to go on the attack. Which is eactly what happened here.

Hemingway speaks the truth, John/Bucky/David. I KNOW this to be true. You are calling Hemingway a liar. Therefore, the liar very plainly has to be YOU.

OK, enough. Already more than you're worth.

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