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Frank - 2006-08-09

Hello, again, Martin!

A week has passed since I responded to you In your post of August 1, you said:

Your [Frank] worst enemy in this school (the Vice President) is my good friend. I think this difference between you and me helps me run this school better now, than it was before.


Problems are now dealt with through me and things, I sincerely hope, are running better than when you were there.

In my reply, I said that I believe that you have made some genuine, positive changes in the long-running problems at Nasdaken.

I also alerted you to a troubling problem on Nasdakens website where eight out of ten advertised foreign teachers are no longer working there (some for more than ten months now). Since you say you have some actual power to address and solve problems (and since the VP is your good friend), I asked you to please arrange for these eight photos to be removed from the website. After all, Im sure you and Nasdaken would not want to be involved in any sort of false advertising. But, alas, the photos remain! A cache of ten foreign faces, happily serving your needs at Nasdaken, but eight of whom are presently in countries on the other side of the world. Except Stacy, who first began this thread by ranting loudly against the place, is perhaps still in China. How interesting that her photograph remains but there's no photo of you... Nice to see your influence with the VP, and your power in problem-solving on display!

I'll check the website again a week from now.

And by the way, where is that staff room you referred to earlier? During all of my time there (six months) I never saw any staff room. Hey, hows that new fridge working out for you and the rest of the staff???

Messages In This Thread
Nasdaken International English - Teachers discussion -- Stacy -- 2006-04-08
Hmmmm - Teachers Discussion -- Cian -- 2006-07-11
I say "Hmmmmm..." also, but for different reasons - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-07-11
Sounds like I'd sign a contract today.... - Teachers Discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-07-13
Speaking of "runners"... and "happy" full timers - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-07-13
Those annoying mindsets the powers push us to adopt - Teachers Discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-07-14
More "Chinese," please... - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-07-14
Well, to be frank again, Frank - Teachers Discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-07-15
the chinese way - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- mj -- 2006-07-14
A long (and possibly pointless?) reply - Teachers Discussion -- Cian -- 2006-07-12
response - Teachers Discussion -- American in Nanjing -- 2006-05-08
Reply - Teachers Discussion -- Stacy -- 2006-05-12
...and another thing - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-06-04
In support of Stacy and her statements about Nasdaken - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-06-04
Subtle extensions of the truth - Teachers Discussion -- Martin -- 2006-08-02
Thanks, and best wishes to you (from my "bad mouth") - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-04
Keeping a watchful eye... - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-09
Martin? Where For Art Thou, Martin? - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-17
"Tis but thy name that is my enemy" - Teachers Discussion -- Martin -- 2006-09-06
Martin, a reply from you -- AT LONG LAST!!! - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-09-06
Nasdaken obviously DOESN'T CARE - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-24
Websites, etc. - Teachers Discussion -- Chuck -- 2006-08-24
"As the website turns..." - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-24
Have you posted this warning on Raoul's site? - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-09
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