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Former FT in China - 2016-07-10

My situation may be a little unique. In short I started dating a Chinese girl who came to Scotland for 3 months. She is back home now and I have just completed a 140 hour TEFL course to go over and start a new career+be with the woman I love!

So I'm really looking to go long term and settle down.

I dunno how you feel about Brexit. I guess the aftermath will be dire for the UK in the short term at the very least. 'Remainers' in Scotia must be feeling cheated by the result of the referendum. If I had ever wanted to return to Scotia from China, even just for a vacation, I'd have jettisoned that idea immediately on Brexit's win. Not that I had ever felt that homesick to have wanted to do so in recent years!

Whatever you do, don't enter the PRC without a Z visa. Accept only a public sector teaching post, necessarily as a direct-hire to maximise the benefits of your employment package.

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