Former FT in China - 2016-07-11
In response to Re China (Mike Milken)

China is just a place where failures from USA and the UK come to teach English. They then appear on boards like this and brag about their "grammar skills". The fact is, if you are 30 years old and teaching English in China you are a loser.

Just get a fake degree. [edited][edited][edited] You can find somewhere better than China, but if you really want to go there the forged degree is the way to go. Nobody checks, nobody cares.

Never ever heard of any Chinese university verifying a degree, certainly not any training school, don't make me laugh! There is no "new rule". As for Korea, Thailand, Japan, yes, they do, a fake document should not be used in those places.

The fact is, you clearly believe China is not a good place for FTs, so we shouldn't be surprised you think China's FTs are failures. Of course, you'd never admit that you yourself are one, too!

Messages In This Thread
Re China -- Mike Milken -- 2016-07-11
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-11
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-11
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-11
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-13
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-14
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-14
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-14
Re China -- PhD teacher -- 2016-07-15
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-15
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-13
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-13

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