Former FT in China - 2016-07-12
In response to Re China (Odd Bob Job)

All things are relative, that's true.

Here in China, I have taught for more than 2 decades, pm daily after 3-4 bottles of beer on average, and smoked at work and in restaurants, without any negative repercussions, without a criminal background check or any kind of TEFL qualification. Back home I wasn't qualified to teach English, though I was qualified to teach high school maths and physics there.

Much more freedom here for me than back in Blighty, and my job has been a walk in the park here over the years. That's perhaps the most important advantage of teaching here, and the next one is the low cost of living compared to the salary, and also free accommodation.

Butter, milk and bacon, I can do without, no problem at all for me! BORING MATE!!!!

Now I'm retired, and will be 65, later this year, God willing!

Messages In This Thread
Re China -- Mike Milken -- 2016-07-11
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-11
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-11
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-11
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-13
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-14
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-14
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-14
Re China -- PhD teacher -- 2016-07-15
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-15
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-13
Re China -- Former FT in China -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
Re China -- paul fox -- 2016-07-13

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