paul fox - 2016-07-17
In response to Re IELTS (amused)

The Teachers' Discussion Forum has become a nursing home day-room for destitute British. One
can hear the scraping of walkers and the incessant chattering of false teeth.

...........and of course, if one prefers not to listen the scraping of walkers and the chattering of false teeth, one is free to leave the nursing home day-room for destitute British.

Messages In This Thread
IELTS -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-16
Re IELTS -- Sharp -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- Mike Milken -- 2016-07-16
Re IELTS -- Sharp -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- paul fox -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- Sharp -- 2016-07-19
Re IELTS -- amused -- 2016-07-17
Re IELTS -- paul fox -- 2016-07-17
Re IELTS -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-16
Re IELTS -- Mike Milken -- 2016-07-17
Re IELTS -- paul fox -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-17

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