Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-17
In response to Re IELTS (Mike Milken)

I agree; youngsters should remain at home learning to be real teachers. ESL in China is a dead end and should be left to us old farts in our dotage.

Messages In This Thread
IELTS -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-16
Re IELTS -- Sharp -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- Mike Milken -- 2016-07-16
Re IELTS -- Sharp -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- paul fox -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- Sharp -- 2016-07-19
Re IELTS -- amused -- 2016-07-17
Re IELTS -- paul fox -- 2016-07-17
Re IELTS -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-16
Re IELTS -- Mike Milken -- 2016-07-17
Re IELTS -- paul fox -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-17

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