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Former FT in China - 2016-08-22
In response to So bad, you can smell it....... (Paul Fox)

Some recent graduates from the same TESOL academy that I graduated from have recently taken up teaching positions at a well known training centre franchise. No need to name it but it's a synonym for "internet" ( if you get my drift?)

Neither have a degree, so tonight when they contacted me on wechat, I asked the question. The reply, and I quote, "the school forge one for all their employees"

Apparently it's common knowledge. This, while others are forced to pay hundreds of dollars for authentication, is an insult to all.

Once again, China has shown that it doesn't know the meaning of "integrity" and that their whole system is a sham and a joke!

As soon as schools are either forced to pay for document verification or lose teachers, the sooner this travesty may be viewed by the government as to what it really is....bullsh*t.....

Training centre franchises who have significant clout with SAFEA might well turn out to be havens for those bogus FTs with fake credentials who can no longer scam their current employers and can't afford a one-way air ticket back home from China. Better they take their chances at such disreputable language mills than end up overstaying followed by deportation at the expense of their homelands!

Messages In This Thread
So bad, you can smell it....... -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-21
Re So bad, you can smell it....... -- amused -- 2016-08-22
Re So bad, you can smell it....... -- Guangxi Guy -- 2016-08-27
Re So bad, you can smell it....... -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-23
Re So bad, you can smell it....... -- amused -- 2016-08-23
Re So bad, you can smell it....... -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-23
Re So bad, you can smell it....... -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-24
Re So bad, you can smell it....... -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-23
Re So bad, WEB of deceit! -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-22
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