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Ebony black. - 2006-09-02

Hi Fellas,
I was wondering why some native speakers have descended so low by collecting peanuts as salary/wages teaching ESL in China.
Are you guys so cheap or desperate?!
I'm bringing up this cos of some job adverts i come across so often on some ESL sites offering RMB3000-3500 to native English speakers.
I'm astonished to see this.I couldn't imagine in my wildest dream for a native speaker to go for that cos it doesn't translate to anything when converted to Pounds,Dollars or Euros.
And beleive it or not,These job adverts get filled before you know it by some native speakers.
Fine,some non-native speakers stoop so low in terms of salary sometimes but not native speakers for God's sake!
Chinese school agents/bosses are taking you guys for a ride far too long.
I,for one won't and can't go for that kind of job despite the fact that i don't have a passport from the so caled 7 native speaking countries cos my class performances speaks louder than the passport i'm holding.
To validate my point,i have an Aussie and a Canadian pal that receive paltry sums of RMM3000 and RMB2500 respectively per month(16-18 classes/week,each clas being 50mins.Why???
These mustn't continue.If i could rake 'in 9-10k every month,then i think my native speaking colleagues should be able to get more.
What do you guys feel?Peace and Love to U all.

Messages In This Thread
Native speakers going for peanuts?! - Teachers Discussion -- Ebony black. -- 2006-09-02
Peanuts?! - Teachers Discussion -- Ebony black -- 2006-09-04
Why Take The Poor Pay! - Teachers Discussion -- KS -- 2006-09-03
Spot on - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-09-02
YES! YES! YES! - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-09-02
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