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Foxy - 2016-09-07

If a native speaker, who may well be well read, has a fake degree, what does that say about
his/her integrity? Why should China accept people with fake degrees (which can't be
authenticated legally), over people with genuine degrees with say, a transcript?

Up to a point, bullshit, rubbish and rot!

When I left school, I attended college and got myself an apprenticeship, as did many of my classmates. Several days a week in a classroom and a day or two on site!

We got a small, but adequate salary, whilst learning a skill. However, apprenticeships are not recognised in China. By the time I was 20, I was a fully-qualified tradesman having spent 4 hard years studying at college.

Enter the silver-spoon who went to uni to study ballroom dancing and who has never worked a day in his life, yet has a degree.

Which one of us would you rather employ?

At the ripe old age of 32 I decided to attend a university and earn myself a degree. In hindsight, I would say that my apprenticeship was much more difficult than my degree was - but that could be down to age/experience etc.

18 years later I went on to study for a Masters Degree in English Literature. (I HATE Shakespeare by the way!)

I know several FT's in China, bloody good ones too, who have fake degrees, yet remain fully qualified tradespeople having spent 4 years of their lives studying at college. They all have the most important qualification (IMHO) = TESOL.

So why does studying for a degree for 4 years put you above a person who has studied for an apprenticeship for 4 years?

I'm not condoning their actions in obtaining a fake degree, but I can certainly empathise.

Messages In This Thread
Re Authenticating a UK degree of a non native speaker -- San Migs -- 2016-09-07
Re Authenticating a UK degree of a non native speaker -- Foxy -- 2016-09-07
Re Authenticating a UK degree of a non native speaker -- San Migs -- 2016-09-07
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