View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Martin, a reply from you -- AT LONG LAST!!! - Teachers Discussion
Frank - 2006-09-06


Thanks for your reply -- AT LONG LAST! I do believe you are working to solve the problem, but as of this moment, it still remains.

You state: "You also attack Course Consultants saying that the evil Nasdaken monster essentailly compels them to say "ANYTHING" to potential clients. Again you show too little understanding. Have you actually had any problems at Nasdaken or is it all rumours and speculation?"

Please be very careful what words to attribute to me. I never used the phrase "the evil Nasdaken monster." That is purely your creation.

Since you asked for examples, OK...

When I would do postential student/client interviews, I would encourage them to come to Nasdaken, but from experience, I also learned to ask them, "What did the course consultant tell you we would do for you?" I ACTUALLY got responses such as:
"They told me you would teach me accounting!"

or better yet,

"They told me you would teach me all the necessary vocabularies for my job,"

to which I replied:
"Oh, what is your job?"

Customer reply: "I work in a factory that makes pesticides."

After such encounters I would meet with the course consultant and tell them that it was my intention to make clients happy, but when they have very special, customized requests (such as the above examples) they must consult with me and/or the Education department first. They NEVER did!

In fact, one of my Chinese colleagues there told me that during a meeting one day, the supervisor of the course concultants (Sam Gu) said to his sales team: "Don't care about Frank, just say what you need to say to sign up the customer."

Ok, Martin?

Messages In This Thread
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Hmmmm - Teachers Discussion -- Cian -- 2006-07-11
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