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Foxy - 2016-10-08

The 'Caring' poster said that he comes to this board to share his views and experiences, and I agree that this is what boards like this one should be used for. With that in mind, I'd like to share a rather amusing story. The subject is a serious matter, and I don't want anyone to think I am making light of it, but, it's amusing in a kind of weird way.

A FT at a local training centre was recently fired for 'sexual harassment'. The person in question had been sexually harassing a colleague for a period of several weeks. After enduring so much, a complaint was made to the management and the perpetrator was given their marching orders.

It's at this point in the story that I can almost envisage the 'Amused' poster gleefully drooling at the mouth while thinking that her frequent beratement of FT's is justified, but I'd be much more interested in seeing her expression when I say that the perpetrator of this heinous behaviour was actually a person of the 'fairer sex'.

Why, oh why can't this ever happen to me, lol.

On another note, it seems that the impending introduction of work visa classifications may actually have some merit.

An ex-colleague of mine who works at a well-respected high school in a city that was once a capital of China, shared another rather amusing story. His school lost 2 foreign teachers during the summer holiday due to their refusal to get their degree authenticated, and the school is now desperate, to say the least.

Since the beginning of this semester on September 1, they have had 3 agency teachers come and go. The first was a Romanian who quit after a week, the second one was an Italian who nobody could understand, and the third was a Lithuanian who was instructed to tell the students that he/she grew up in England.

It seems that it's not just training centres that are desperate to put a white face in the classroom.

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