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Past Teacher - 2006-09-19
In response to Bond Institute - Teachers Discussion (JohnH)

OK, I just had to add this:
Paxton International (Bond Education Group) owns and operates the school chain known by many names: Bond International College, Bond Academy, Huamei-Bond, Shandong Canada, Donghai School, Bond Language Center, and many others.

They do indeed have a very poor reputation with teachers and across China. Even the Chinese know this school and the calibre of students it attracts and why. (Hey, there's a visa to Canada or the US just waiting for them when they graduate (with some help) and who cares that these students couldn't get into a Chinese university or school - yes, many of them are just your typical school drop outs).

Bond is advertising for teachers repeatedly and is having problems keeping them. The school facilities (or lack thereof) are incredibly poor considering the amount of money the schools bring in and that the owners make. Investing money on capital equipment is simply unnecessary since there are enough students paying an outrageous fee to "get educated" at a private English school.

The accommodation is OK and they pay on time, but all the other promises of language lessons and trips and who knows what else is just a pile of crock. Every term, teachers do runners, or find other ways to get out.

They do like the new and inexperienced teachers because they are easier to manipulate and fool than the more experienced ones. If you really don't care, know how to entertain the students (bring your guitar and sing - everyone will love you!) and are not really interested doing a professional job, then sure, go.

Don't be taken in by white-faced priincipals - especially the older retired types who have run school boards from Canada - they haven't been in a classroom for years, and have little respect for teachers. They are the token white face for the Big Bosses and do not really run the school in any way.

Education is a Business these days, but capitalism is running amok in China and makes for very greedy fellows. So be very careful about what school you pick. There are worse schools out there than Bond.

Messages In This Thread
Bond Institute - Teachers Discussion -- JohnH -- 2006-09-07
Avoid Bond - Teachers Discussion -- Past Teacher -- 2006-09-19
Bond Institute/ International School in China - Teachers Discussion -- Past Teacher -- 2006-09-19
Re: Bond Institute/ International School in China - Teachers Discussion -- Ryan Johnson -- 2010-06-10
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