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KJ - 2006-09-21

No, unfortunately, it's not a scam; however, you are right to question it due to its absurdity. And thanks for bringing this one to our attention.

Sadly, the poster is no doubt directly linked to the profit aspect of the school, or has been paid by the school to write the post for them, or is working for them to receive payment for teachers that are either extremely naive or so desperate due to their lack of qualifications that they'll take a position no matter what it offers.

If one reads the post carefully it can be determined that the apartment is a dump. A shared dump at that. Good advice for newbies is that they should never accept a shared apartment. Why? If the school is so cheap as to not provide a teacher with a single apartment, it's a good indication that they are too cheap to provide a decent one - shared or not. If they're too cheap to do that, they'll no doubt find other ways to cheat you also. In this particular case the pay is so low that it's glaringly obvious how cheap they are, so I would bet the farm that the apartment is as shabby as they come. Also, the fact that they want you to pay for your own visa etc. is another great indication of their skinflint attitude.

One more thing to take note of is the picture of the school this Western manipulator has provided. It's taken in such a way as to give a good impression in that it's actually a picture of the landscape and not the building. Even the shabbiest schools or apartments in China often have fairly decent gardens.

And oh yes, the poster has outright lied about being able to save money from your salary. No possible way - unless you live on rice and noodles

Need it be said that this school should be avoided? I wouldn't think so, but one never knows who will be taken in by such dishonesty. The sad thing though is not that the offer totally sucks but that anyone would stoop so low as to represent such a school for their own gain. The guy who's trying to lure the unaware into such a position is a low-life recruiter, or, at the very least, as unscrupulous as nearly all recruiters in China.

Messages In This Thread
A Scam Or What! - Teachers Discussion -- Dave -- 2006-09-20
Scam or What? - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-09-21
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