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Chica - 2006-09-26
In response to interview tasks - Teachers Discussion (Rebecca)

It might be some kind of written or verbal task and you have to explain how you handle some kind of class room situation, though I think it's more likely to occur in the interview. I had a 'test' at the beginning of an interview once and I had to outline a lesson plan for a set group of learners, transcribe words into the phonetic script, outline the areas I wanted to develop etc.

Or you might just have to teach a class! Hehe.

Good luck!

Let us know what the task is!

Messages In This Thread
interview tasks - Teachers Discussion -- Rebecca -- 2006-09-26
The Job Interview - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Teachers Latin America -- 2006-10-13
Maybe.... - Teachers Discussion -- Chica -- 2006-09-26
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