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Foxy - 2016-11-13

It seems there IS a 'God', and........he's Chinese!

"Impossible Bullshit!", I can hear PD screaming from 'down-under'! Well, PD, let's see if you have changed your mind after reading this....

The 18th Guangzhou Sex Culture Festival has just finished. (Why do we never hear about these things BEFORE they start?)

It was started by a man called Zhang Fen, who until the late 90's, was the Commissioner for Provincial Population and Family Planning in China.

Since 2003, his 'sexpo' has attracted more and more visitors.

What is most interesting though, is the fact that this year there has been a multitude of exhibitors selling 'sex-dolls', and none were short of takers.

'Blow-up dolls' have been around for years, but with the advent of modern technology, these things are becoming more and more realistic and life-like, and with thousands of sales, this exhibition has proved it.

Men have essentially been conned by women for generations. In return for not having the occasional 'headache', man has readily handed her a house, car, bank account, jewelry, and a host of other 'goodies', and in return for what?

'Oh, I've done the laundry today, I'm so tired!' Well guess what, lady....that little machine, that has for years been the sole domain of women, is not so 'technological' after all. You open the lid, throw in the clothes and press the 'Go' button !

Likewise with cooking. You've been rumbled, girl! Open the oven door, throw in a chicken, then press the 'Go' button before heading out to the local coffee shop to spend all afternoon with your mates, while all the time I think you've been home, slaving away in the kitchen, cooking me a nice dinner.

With realistic, life-like, blow-up dolls, we don't NEED you anymore! We just give it a bit of a wash, pop it back in the box, then wait till we want to play with it again.

We can pre-order customised dolls too. Any shape; any size; any skin or hair colour; all 'fetishes' catered for. They even come with multiple heads so you don't even have to look at the same face each time. They can also be pre-programmed to say certain words or phrases that 'float your boat', or better still, they can be totally silenced !

This is a revolution, fellas!

I also have it on good authority that with the sheer number of Welsh and Kiwis heading to China, next year they will be showcasing 'blow-up sheep'. Imagine that, Taffy.....you can simply select one from their range, or order one to be custom-made that looks more like a goat! (haha)

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The Impending Extinction of Women -- Foxy -- 2016-11-13
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