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heretosay - 2016-11-15

Quite correct; we should be clear about what the term liberal means - it has become more of a label in America than a definitive means of explaining one's stance. For example, if I'm anti-Trump, does that make me a liberal? Certainly not. If I voted for Clinton, does that make me a liberal? Again, certainly not.

These kinds of labels have really become more of a basis around which we Americans can pretend to know what the hell is really going on, and a means by which we can become identified as one or the other lest we are forced to admit our ignorance.

Where I live is considered a very "liberal" county. Sure enough, Hillary got an overwhelming majority of votes here with an astounding 83% voter turnout compared to less than 50% nationwide. However, if one were to interview most of these voters, it would be easily seen that their personal philosophies and even their emotions reveal that their political beliefs are all over the place and that one minute we could count them as liberals but in the next minute be convinced they're really closet conservatives. In short, it's popular to be considered liberal in the same way that in some places it's popular to be considered a Christian and to even put up such a front by going to church occasionally so that in the community you are considered as such even if you don't know the bible from a schmible. It hides smug complacency and is good for business.....

We Americans are wishy washy, prone to ignorance about the real world and generally content to let ourselves be represented by others who pretend to know what's going on so that our wishy washy ignorance will not be seen by our neighbors or by the world at large.

Yep, too bad that Bernie, a true Social Democrat, got shut down by the Democrats. I like that now he is scorching the Democratic party for their role in Hillary's defeat, and has publicly stated his return to being an Independent.

Messages In This Thread
Re I'm not giving up and neither should you -- heretosay -- 2016-11-15
Re: Re I'm not giving up and neither should you -- Curious -- 2016-11-15
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