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Foxy - 2016-11-17

Nothing wrong with a one-child-policy, we should adopt it in UK. At the moment we have morons
rearing children on the tax-payers money. I would also end child-allowance. Why should
you pay people to have children. Like paying people to keep dogs....which we do
actually. Many morons who don't work keep pit-bull-types as status-dogs.

Ah ! You mean 'Sharon' and 'Tracy', right? The ones who raise little 'Mercedes', 'Courtney', and 'Chardonnay' on taxpayers money? Eight kids with 8 different fathers?

I once knew a couple like that - in fact I was related to them for a time - they had 5 kids purely to rort the welfare system in the UK. Neither of them worked, and both eventually became so reliant on alcohol that it was literally vodka on the cornflakes each morning. Sadly, both of them were dead at 40 years old, leaving 5 orphans.

The Australian government issued a plan whereby new mothers were given a grant of AUD$3000 when they had a baby. This money was to make sure that the mother had everything she needed for her new baby.

However, as with any 'system', there are those who will always do their best to abuse it.....

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Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute -- Foxy -- 2016-11-17
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