Former FT in China - 2016-11-19

Most lounges in Chinese flats have adjoining balconies with dirty great(over 3 metres long) hovering clotheshorses which descend and ascend by means of pulleys and metal wires. So a lot of the time rude drying laundry can be seen in your lounge. So I have purchased a conventional clothes horse which sits on the deck, to go in a smaller balcony/recess. The new clotheshorse cost 43 yuan and is about 2 metres long. i can now include the lounge balcony in my lounge. Not enormous but could pop a piano in it.

Sorry about my late reply. The power here has been going on and off like a fiddler's elbow! However, it's been fixed at last, fingers crossed!

Yep, re dogs. I dislike 'em in flats -I'm lucky like you as my neighbors don't keep them!

Re rude drying laundry - you can hang it up in such a way so as to avoid lounge guests from viewing it - there are 2 bars, place the undies on the bar nearest the window. Place the bulkier items on the bar nearest the lounge. ClotheS horse, not necessary.

Re dog restaurants, woz invited to one by a Chinese friend - declined, even though he assured me the dogs cooked there were from a dog farm, not rounded-up strays. He also said the dog meat was very tasty, but not cheap! Korean restaurants also serve dog meat.

A word of advice, don't post a pic of wifey.

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Re Various -- Former FT in China -- 2016-11-19

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