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Foxy - 2016-12-03

Do you honestly think that billionaires (real or presumed) care about trailer trash?

WHO cares about 'trailer trash'? Obama? Killary? You, like many others, are kidding yourself if you believe that ANY powerful political figure cares.

During the election campaign, Killary and Trump were often called 'Coke' and 'Pepsi' on this board, well how about we change those nicknames to 'Catastrophe' and 'Devastation'?

Killary would be 'Catastrophe', and many people know it. Trump, 'Mr Devastation', was PERCEIVED by the American public to be something of a 'breath-of-fresh-air' when compared to the 'political elite' that have ruled for generations. Yes, he's used his wealth and power to put himself in a position whereby people PERCEIVE him simply as NOT being Hillary/Bill/Obama/Bush, etc.

As with 'Brexit', Pauline Hanson in Australia, etc, people are waking up and saying 'We've had ENOUGH! - It's time for a change!'

I remember back in the UK when the dreaded Tony Blair took office. There was nothing different to what we are seeing now. Tony Blair wasn't essentially voted IN - the Conservatives were simply voted OUT, because people had had enough!

There are those who believe that it doesn't really matter WHO gets the 'top job'. They are all essentially 'puppets' who are manipulated from above/behind, or wherever. At least that's their perception.

People can kick and scream all they like, but nothing will change unless more people wake up and start telling the likes of the PC brigade and 'control freaks' that they've had enough of their bullshit.

People who do this are called 'non-conformists', yet why should people be FORCED to 'conform' and simply accept unjust laws, illegal wars, etc.

The message is becoming clear and it's this: 'If you want to avoid hostilities - Surrender!' This applies in all walks of life, right down from the 'bully-boy' tactics of the American military to the ridiculous 'rules' of the PC brigade.

I read last night that some of these crazy, moronic libtards are seeking to have the words 'Boy' and 'Girl' eradicated from our language because they're 'sexist' words. Seriously???

This nonsense MUST......HAS TO.......STOP !

Messages In This Thread
Trump's proposed cabinet is made of billionaires -- Curious -- 2016-12-02
Re Trump's proposed cabinet is made of billionaires -- caring -- 2016-12-04
Re Trump's proposed cabinet is made of billionaires -- Curious -- 2016-12-04
Re Trump's proposed cabinet is made of billionaires -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-04
Re: Re Trump's proposed cabinet is made of billionaires -- Curious -- 2016-12-04
Re Trump's proposed cabinet is made of billionaires -- Foxy -- 2016-12-03
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