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heretosay - 2016-12-10
In response to Close the door behind me love (Trump diplomacy)

Wow. What an incredibly well written and revealing article. Thanks so much for the link. If after reading said article, people still manage to stay heartless and unconcerned, well, I guess it would be due to their own entrenched belief systems, bigotry and self importance.

A pity that self importance doesn't always involve living a life of learning and curiosity, and a deep desire to free one's self from the apathetic thinking of the collective. However, that said, even the simplest of souls on this planet can intuit the rightness or wrongness of something, and can do so without having a book, or a newspaper or a talking head spewing the party line tell them what they should be thinking and believing and how they should behave in order to be an acceptable cog in a nearly broken down social mechanism that allows for the mistreatment of innocents.

Damn. It's nearly 2017 and free thinking is, amazingly, a rare bird, eh?

My compliments and a wish for you and yours to have a healthy and happy New Year.

Messages In This Thread
Close the door behind me love -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-10
Re Close the door behind me love -- Sigint -- 2016-12-11
Re Close the door behind me love -- heretosay -- 2016-12-11
Re Close the door behind me love -- caring -- 2016-12-11
Re Close the door behind me love -- heretosay -- 2016-12-10
Re Close the door behind me love -- Foxy -- 2016-12-11
Re Close the door behind me love -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-11
Re Close the door behind me love -- caring -- 2016-12-11
Re: Re Close the door behind me love -- Fifi -- 2016-12-11
Re: Re Close the door behind me love -- Rory -- 2016-12-11
Re: Re Close the door behind me love -- Foxy -- 2016-12-11
Re: Re Close the door behind me love -- Foxy -- 2016-12-11
Re: Re Close the door behind me love -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-11
Re: Re Close the door behind me love -- Foxy -- 2016-12-11
Re: Re Close the door behind me love -- Fifi -- 2016-12-11
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