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jason - 2006-10-19

I have recently noticed that google earth has updated their photos from China. Have you ever applied for a school and they tell you it's "in" or "just" outside the city such as Su Zhou or Hang Zhou? When you finally arrive it is about 2 or 3 hours away in a God forsaken town not a suburb. They can say Su Zhou or Hang Zhou because that is the name of the county of that area and they won't use the word "city" because then that will be lying. Example: #1 street, Dirtyandsmellytown, Su Zhou, Jiang Shu province. They leave out the word county and even though it is misleading it is not technically lying.
To avoid this problem you can use Google Earth and see whether that school is in a place where you have been told it is. I am not a Google Earth representative just a big fan. Some fellow teachers have told me they were tricked before. So just giving some advice to teachers who are planning to move to a place without visiting there first.

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