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Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-17
In response to Pax Americana Is Over (Curious)

the people who voted for him,
that you are morally responsible

No one in the United States has voted for Trump or Hillary yet; the masses only vote for political parties who pick electors (wealthy contributors or party hacks) who will actually vote on Monday, the 19th of December. It matters not at all that Hillary received more than two million more votes than Trump. Some of these 'electors' are 'bound' by the states to vote for their party's nominee, some are free to vote for whomever they like. No elector has ever been charged and convicted for ignoring his 'bound' status and voting for someone else. The entire bizarre process has never been challenged in any Court. It serves well its purpose of keeping power in the hands of elites.

Having said that, I know many U.S. citizens who voted for Trump. Not all are racists like this board's two most prolific contributors.

Many are people who believe that he was their only choice for change. Of the choice they were given, there is no doubt that Hillary was the establishment candidate. Trump spoke directly to the deprived white electorate whose deprivation is real but who are unable to recognize its source. Republicans for decades have used race, gender, and religion in masterful misdirection to manipulate the white underclass. The power of this narrative is global and evident on this very site. As Australia is being purchased by Chinese elites, pDog is worried about boat people. While England's new financial nobility is posthaste postBrexit transferring assets to France and Germany, Daffy bemoans Bradford Muslims tarnishing his language and not feeling U.S.' love for the crown.

A bull in a china-shop does affect change. If Trump damages enough people, rich and poor alike, perhaps more of the world's population will look over their shoulder to identify the forces that are invasively assaulting their posteriors.

Messages In This Thread
Pax Americana Is Over -- Curious -- 2016-12-16
Fasten your seatbelt -- Curious -- 2016-12-17
Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Curious -- 2016-12-17
Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Foxy -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Foxy -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Curious -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Curious -- 2016-12-17
Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Logician -- 2016-12-16
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