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the exhibitionist's raincoat
Trump diplomacy
- 2016-12-20
My Father was important in the navy during the war so they lived in Pompey which was bombed
and bombed during the war(at which stage stars&stripes Paddy was still to appear) Up
until then my mother had lived a tranquil life in the valleys
Why is it that you and pDog choose to parade the details of your life, complete with pictures, on an internet forum? I observe only the two of you prancing together and gaily flashing family details and photos.
I initially thought that Daffy was actually a rustic mindless persona for your own entertainment. Regrettably, I was wrong.
Your and pDog's inability to experience embarrassment is apparent, but as a parent you need to recognize that someday soon your daughter will be old enough to Google.
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- the exhibitionist's raincoat -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-20
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the exhibitionist's raincoat