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Foxy - 2016-12-31

History repeats itself regardless of whether or not we 'learn'. History repeats itself because we are stupid enough to allow it to.

Decade after decade the same things happen, over and over again. Who told us that Iraq had WMD? The same people who told us the official story of 9/11. Anyone who thinks differently is a conspiracy theorist. Washington knew well-in-advance that the Japanese attack on Peal Harbour was going to happen, yet chose to ignore it. Alan Turing, the man who cracked Germany's Enigma code, shortened WWII by approximately 2 years and saved around 14 million lives, was prosecuted for being a homosexual.

330 million people in the USA, yet the only two 'suitable candidates' for the presidency are Hillary and Trump.

CCTV cameras are on every street corner; people are watching our every move. Technology moves forward at an alarming rate; we all have 'smartphones' that are 'designed to make our lives easier' whilst all the time our e-mails are being monitored; we're sending personal information to the 'cloud' thinking it's 'safe'; cash is becoming obsolete in favour of 'bitcoin' transactions that 'the authorities' can track.....the list goes on.

All the time we are giving the 'powers-that-be' more and more control over our daily lives, thus making it even easier for them to repeat history over and over again.

Our lives are ruled by bankers, pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, and other corporate industries who seek to become more and more powerful without giving a second-thought about the people they're harming. Fluoride, a rat-poison, has been in our water supply for generations. Vaccinations now have the potential to hide nano-technology; corporate-controlled media tells us what they want us to know, instead of the truth. We have become worse than sheep (at least they have a dog to keep them under control - we have each other). PC is completely nuts in most Western countries and people are scared to pass wind in the 'wrong place', let alone speak aloud.

28 years ago there was a huge tragedy in England. It was known as 'The Hillsborough Disaster' when hundreds of football fans were killed due to a stadium collapse. For 28 years the fans have been blamed, yet the truth has finally come out that the fault lied squarely with the police.

History repeats itself because we allow it to. Until people start to look up from their I-phone occasionally and consider what's really happening around them, nothing will ever change and the people who control us will continue to gain more power and influence over us.

Who's going to win the X-Factor is far more important than America spending squillions on its military in order to start a war no-one wants.

The proof that God doesn't exist can be proven by the fact that humankind does!

By the time you read this it will be 2017. A new year, a new start. Let's make it a positive one for a change!

Happy New Year to you all !

Messages In This Thread
Re Namibia: An unknown genocide of the colonial area -- Foxy -- 2016-12-31
Re: Re Namibia: An unknown genocide of the colonial area -- Curious -- 2016-12-31
Re: Re Namibia: An unknown genocide of the colonial area -- Foxy -- 2016-12-31
Re: Re Namibia: An unknown genocide of the colonial area -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-31
Re: Re Namibia: An unknown genocide of the colonial area -- Foxy -- 2017-01-01
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