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Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-22

Ego-maniacal buffoons hunger for validation in the form of applause or praise. They are acutely sensitive to criticism and unwilling to recognize failures or mistakes.

Trump will find being president of a country where two thirds of the population already hold him in various degrees of disdain to be a Pyrrhic 'victory'. His hubris will not allow him to withdraw from the ridicule and hatred. He will slowly go mad.

A U.S. president's power quickly diminishes as legislative, departmental and special interest forces coalesce again him. As this happens to Trump he will look for grand flourishes of power to distract himself from his turmoil.

George W. was given the gift of 9/11. He and other presidents (even Obama) have consolidated ‘war powers’ within the executive branch, removing Congress from its constitutional power to ‘wage war’.

Donald will no doubt create his own dark distraction.

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