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Marissa - 2017-01-26

Hey! I am a psychology major and I have a work study at an elementary school. The kid I work with the most is from Guatemala and can hardly speak English at all. He just knows some words but absolutely no grammar, or anything. He writes all his homework in Spanish and can't participate in a lot of class activities. I have no background in teaching so it is INSANLEY hard for to figure out what to do. I have some old kindergarten -3rd grade English books from our school resource center, but I'm having a really hard time trying to adapt them to esl. I've looked everywhere for a beginning eel curriculum in the hopes of finding something to help me know what to do when, but all I've found are bits and pieces that I know I want to integrate but I don't know how or when. The teacher I work with doesn't know how to teach second languages either and doesn't have time until like next week to help me try to figure something out. Pleeeeeeeeease help me! D:

Thanks so much.

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