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KJ - 2006-11-15

Hmm. Sounds like a good title for a novel. Or not. But anyway, just want to note that Fish's comment/question to Heather regarding why she doesn't address some of the points other's have made about her posts is a good one. I think it would benefit her to engage in a realistic discussion where more than one point of view is expressed. An exchange of ideas. Unfortunately, this is a commonality that I've seen in this forum. Seldom do I see an exchange of any duration take place. That is to say,conversations seemed to get nipped in the bud. Fish is the rare individual who will run with the ball until something resembling a goal-line has been reached.
I think this forum and others online offer a great opportunity for learning from and sharing with other teachers. But I'm often surprised at how often discussions seem to end before they've even progressed past a near beginning point.Oh well, just wanted to echo Fish's sentiment.

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