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Foxy - 2017-02-01

Isn't it amazing how people allow mainstream media to control their every thought?

Isn't it also amazing that Trumps 'Muslim' ban on refugees does NOT include Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Nigeria, despite them having amongst the largest Muslim population in the world?

If people bother to look a bit deeper instead of relying on the likes of the Clinton News Network, they might see that the countries included in the ban are on a list that was created by Obama.

Where were the protests back in 2011 when Obama banned all Syrian refugees from entering America for a period of 6 months - twice that of Trump's.

Six times, during the Obama administration, people from mostly Muslim countries were banned from entering America. Obama spent 8 years dropping thousands of bombs on Muslim countries, where were the protests then? The Obama administration also armed Syrian jihadists that created the refugee crisis in the first place - where were the protests?

Yet Trump stops a handful of people and suddenly he's a racist.

His executive order contains exceptions for people to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, yet is that going far enough? What about the 20 or so well-documented VETTED refugees in America who turned to terrorism?

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Lebanon were all blamed for 9/11, yet none of those countries are on Trump's list - where does your so-called 'ban on Muslims' take you now?

People are complaining that banning people because of religion is terrible, yet what about the 16 Islamic countries that ban Israelis from entering, because of their religion?

300,000 air-conditioned tents that are capable of housing 3 million refugees are sitting empty in Egypt. Why? Because people would rather see innocent people killed at the hands of terrorists than see Trump become successful.

Check your facts, dear libtards, all of this was originally put together by your 'hero' Obama.

Oh, and who is supposed to be behind the protests? George 'nazi' Soros....what a f*ckin surprise !

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