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Trump diplomacy - 2017-02-07
In response to Daikon backlash (heretosay)

found these nut cases to
be quite contemptuous while at the same time pitying them for their immaturity

Our two resident nut cases are of distinctly different botanical categories.

pigD is frozen in adolescence. If he had managed to actually remain in high school, he would be President Emeritus of the glee club and annually voted Prom King.

Daffy is an entirely different nut, a legume, indigestible, useful only as forage or fertilizer.

To his credit, pigD is a happy human being, no small feat in today's world, especially when one is psychically frozen in Disco Fever.

Daffy embodies the process of human decay, exuding sadness and loathing like the fumes and spores from toxic mulch. His only joy is to facilitate the sadness of others.

Messages In This Thread
Daikon backlash -- heretosay -- 2017-02-04
schadenfreude -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-02-07
Re: schadenfreude -- Fifi -- 2017-02-07
Re Daikon backlash -- Hannibal Animalis -- 2017-02-06
Re Daikon backlash -- Foxy -- 2017-02-04
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