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Foxy - 2017-02-08
In response to Re: Re Streaming Eagles (Fifi)

When I was adolescent, I did many things just to disrupt the authority of my father or of the
f**g school principal. I did not care about the consequences at all. I just wanted to
see their face when they see the dog shit that I put on their bed and desk (yes, I did
it and i am very proud of it).

I did exactly the same. I was called a 'rebel' by my father and by my teachers. I was called a 'non-conformist'. In fact all of us are 'rebels' if we don't 'conform'. Let's see where 'conforming' has got us, shall we...?

Governments destroy freedom
Universities destroy knowledge
Doctors destroy health (in the name of the big pharmaceutical companies who want wealth, not health)
Religions destroy spiritualism
Wars destroy peace
Lawyers destroy justice
Journalism destroys information

We must continue to become indoctrinated, comply with the 'system' and identify ourselves by our race, colour, religious belief or political affiliation, instead of who we are as individuals.

Countries such as Japan and China have encouraged collectivism, and discouraged individualism, for decades. The USA and Britain have done the same, yet more covertly. The Brexit decision and the election of Trump are testament to the fact that people are beginning to realise this and say enough is enough!

George Bush (junior), the man who had about as much brains as a scarecrow, said -

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking of ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we" It's beyond laughable!

Any person who voted to elect such an idiot as its president has no RIGHT to complain about the likes of Trump.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Re Streaming Eagles -- Fifi -- 2017-02-08
Re: Re Streaming Eagles -- Foxy -- 2017-02-08
Re: Re Streaming Eagles -- BeenThere -- 2017-02-08
Re: Re Streaming Eagles -- Foxy -- 2017-02-09
Re: Re Streaming Eagles -- Curious -- 2017-02-09
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