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BeenThere - 2017-02-13

I am not talking about the seriousness of serious issues here.

I am talking about the non-seriousness of serious issues.

We were all used to high level security issues being secretly discussed in secretive sound-proof rooms... Well that's over. If you have US$200,000 to buy a membership at Mar a Lago (trump's club in Florida), you can sit at a table that is just beside the table of the president entertaining the president of another country and oops... suddenly discussing with their aids how to respond to an international crisis. I am talking: 10 feet away from your table. Here is what happened yesterday to a new member of Mar a lago, who even took a selfie with the military aid who carries the nuclear code briefcase:

The scene — of aides huddled over their computers and the president on his cellphone at his club’s terrace — was captured by a club member dining not far away and published in pictures on his Facebook account. The images also show Mr. Trump conferring with his guest at the resort, Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister.

Shortly before Richard DeAgazio, a new member of Mr. Trump’s club, snapped the pictures, North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile into the sea off its eastern coast.

““HOLY MOLY !!! It was fascinating to watch the flurry of activity at dinner when the news came that North Korea had launched a missile in the direction of Japan,” Mr. DeAgazio wrote later on Facebook, describing how the two leaders “conferred and then went into another room for hastily arranged press conference.”

In addition to the pictures of the North Korea conversation, Mr. DeAgazio also posted pictures of himself standing with a person he described as Mr. Trump’s military aide responsible for carrying the nuclear “football” — the briefcase with codes for launching nuclear weapons.

I immensely dislike trump, but I have to admit that this spectacle must have pissed the fat disgusting kid of North Korea: His missile was being discussed at dinner table, in front of the other club members, with the two first ladies watching (we can see their backs on one of the photos) as if the boys were just watching a football game and making bets. I don't know if Mr Abe returned to Japan totally disgusted or totally euphoric about his being immersed in the Wild Wild West. But when I think of the European leaders meeting in Bruxels in their golden 18th century palaces, I feel good about America. Please don't make any mistake, I am a totally anti-trump pussyhat-wearing demonstrator. But this was refreshing.

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Only in America!!! -- BeenThere -- 2017-02-13
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