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Caring - 2017-02-23
In response to Tossed in China, tossed in America (BeenThere)

The xenophobia in the US is uncomparable to the one of China. My kids that were born in China may never become Chinese presidents for obvious reasons; they don't have their "Chinese eyes". Locals break into regular "Ha, Ha, Ha.." when my children respond to such questions as "where are you from" with "I'm Chinese". Americans are usually laud about their often temporary attitudes that aren't so uniformed while Chinese are most often quiet with their characters that have deep roots in their society. Americans vs Indians vs Blacks is one thing but Chinese vs the world is another. Anyhow, this is the current and a, mark my words, very temporary billionaires' White House leadership that's so hungry for recognition; this isn't the centuries old tossing. Whether Trump compromises himself to extinction remains to be seen by many people, whether the communist leadership burns itself beyond recognition carries on only as a wishful thinking of some western capitalists.

Messages In This Thread
Tossed in China, tossed in America -- BeenThere -- 2017-02-21
Re Tossed in China, tossed in America -- Caring -- 2017-02-23
Re Tossed in China, tossed in America -- FTinPRC -- 2017-02-23
Re Tossed in China, tossed in America -- caring -- 2017-02-25
Re Tossed in China, tossed in America -- FTinPRC -- 2017-02-21
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