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caring - 2017-02-27

Chinese have their standards that are not their laws/regulations written by their party members. They blatantly break traffic regulations, smoking bylaws, and they ignore their own set of rules out of some sort of convenience. Even though most of the locals are peaceful, friendly and truly hospitable people unlike we are in some of our nations, thanks to their leadership they imperil the humankind in ways beyond the understanding of many of us.

The “Core Party Principles” are corrupt for their laws and regulations are dysfunctional in order to accommodate the lazy, ignorant, incompetent and greedy ones who care for themselves only. What they adhere to is the non-confrontational policy for regular people who are left to go on in their daily lives regardless the circumstances. When reckless driver endangers you you are told to be careful, when a smoker lights a cigarette under a nonsmoking sign you are expected to be understanding, and when a noisy construction company keeps you awake at night you have no way to deal with it but go on with your upcoming day if you have the energy to do so or not.

There may be a few models to a society that may be functional or not; however, there may only be one that so slowly and peacefully destroys you day by day. The Chinese Communist Party system is the one that may as well surface as the best one in the world to harmonize and exterminate us all. How humanity copes with the sound apparatus remains to be seen in the nation where it comes from as well as places where it is handed over to.

Sleepless Caring

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