View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Beware of TS Foreign Language Training School (teresa_yang1983) - Teachers Discussion
cata - 2006-12-14
In response to Teaching in China - Teachers discussion (Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed.)

I worked for TS Foreign Language School in Changchun, Jilin Province, China for 6 months and was never a good experience. They offer you all sorts of things, good accomodation, furnished apartment, lunch, etc, but they never tell you that its an apartment shared with at least 4 other people and only one bathroom, no kitchen, no living room, only a small sofa, a fridge and a microwave. They dock Money from your salary every month saying its to pay for utilities or in case you brake something but even if you rent your own place, which was my case, they still do it!!
I never met a teacher who was happy to be there, never heard a good comment about this company. From the minute I set foot into their office I felt that something wasnt right. They dragged me to the office straight from the airport and made me sign the contract right away and keep my passport saying that they needed to start processing my visa. Only after this, they took me to see my wonderful apartment room without tv, without a computer or even bed sheets. From then on, everything was a nightmare.

Every month I had to count my teaching hours really carefully and give them a call or send them an email reminding them that it was my payday. They tell you that you can teach the level you want but the truth is they send you everywhere and dont even pay for the taxi if its far away. I say this, because I know there are good companies where they do offer you this benefit. I had to pay for my own visa and never saw a receipt with a stamp saying how much it was, only their word. Once I rented my own place, they offered to pay for my utilities and deal directly with my landlord since he did not speak English and I speak very little Chinese, but it turned out they were overcharching me for things like electricity, internet access and water bills.

They also offer you a week training and free Chinese lessons, but you never get either of them. I tried to quit my company several times and they wouldnt accept my resignation. I met many teachers who were planning to leave in the middle of the night so as not to deal with this mafia that they have. If you manage to leave them, they threaten you saying that no matter where you go they will find out who hired you. What is that supposed to mean?

Please, if you have been contacted by this company DO NOT WORK for them. You get an email from someone called Teresa Yang, who is in fact, one of their teachers who gets money for every teacher he manages to get hired. She (he) offers you the world and then when you complain they tell you, if its not in your contract it doesnt count.
Do not trust any of the people who work there: Kiki, Maggie, Mrs Wong or Lucy.
There are many good schools around China, honest, professional, serious schools, who deliver what they promise. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Messages In This Thread
Teaching in China - Teachers discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-04-16
Beware of TS Foreign Language Training School (teresa_yang1983) - Teachers Discussion -- cata -- 2006-12-14
Right ! Avoid her ! - Teachers Discussion -- David -- 2006-12-15
Shanghai Commerce and Industry Assoc - Teachers discussion -- jack crowl -- 2006-04-29
No Worries! Well, at least not about this... - Teachers discussion -- Raoul Duke LOOK! I BEEN TO COLLEGE! -- 2006-04-30
Hard to paint China with a broad brush... - Teachers discussion -- Raoul -- 2006-04-17
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