FTinPRC - 2017-03-08

There are have been many moments when Silverboy and Taffy have provided useful information and made interesting, thoughtful and opinionated contributions to this forum. I hope that they both will choose to remain a part of the 'forum community'.

There is a significant divide between adversarial argument and hate speech. As an example, Silverboy's perspective on male/female relationships is worthy of consideration, but accusations about the nature of women in general or women members of a particular race or nationality are not welcome, in my opinion, by many forum participants.

Taffy's views on immigration policy in England is protected speech and is broadly supported. General accusations about the nature of any religion or race is not useful and can be construed as hate speech.

I too have periodically crossed that line between communication and invective. The moderators in their wisdom have chosen not to accept several of my 'contributions'. No doubt Taffy would suggest that they have not edited my writing often enough. He may be correct.

I personally value the time and effort that Silverboy and Taffy have invested in the forum. I hope they will continue to contribute.

Messages In This Thread
moving on -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-08
Re moving on -- caring -- 2017-03-10
Re: Re moving on -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-10
Re: Re moving on -- caring -- 2017-03-10
Re: Re moving on -- FTatHome -- 2017-03-11
Re: Re moving on -- caring -- 2017-03-11
Re moving on -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-03-08
Re moving on -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-03-09
Re moving on -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-08
Re moving on -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-08
Re moving on -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-03-08
Re moving on -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-09
Re moving on -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-03-10
Re moving on -- Eilbert Anstein -- 2017-03-09
Re moving on -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-03-10
Re moving on -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-09
Re moving on -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-03-10
Re: Re moving on -- Fifi -- 2017-03-08
Re: Re moving on -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-03-10
Re: Re moving on -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-08

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